Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Another list of things to write about...

- Lockdown drill November 10th, 2010
- Report cards and evaluations

and some photos of lately since I haven't been the best at writing online. I hope to change this when I have more time on my hands during the break. 

and trying out whether posting videos work: this is one of my students reading out her kind words to her friend- based on a "Kind Words" lesson taught previously. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Things I need to write about... when I get the time!

This is just going to be a list to myself of what I need to write down from during this experience.

- Daily Routines: DEAR, Calendar, Weather, Morning Message, Kind Hand of the Day, write in Agenda, snack
- Weekly Routines: Classroom Jobs, Home reading, Spelling, Journal, Spelling Test
- Classroom decorations: seasonal, bulletin board, seasonal words
- Lessons
- Dealing with students' disputes
- Consequences

Will write more... again, when I have more spare time!